The District Magistrates of the eleven revenue district of Delhi have also been designated as Joint Chief Electoral Officer (Jt.CEO) for their respective Districts. So District Magistrate (South) is also Jt.CEO (South) and functions under the administrative control of Chief Electoral Officer Delhi. To assist him, there is one SDM (Election), one Office Superintendent and Clerical Staff. Under the charge of DM (South) is the three functional SDM’s who are designated as Electrol Registration Officers and one ADM for Assembly Constituencies. The SDMs work as ERO and also as RO during the assembly election & ARO during the Parliamentary election. Apart from the routine administrative functions, following statutory duties are discharged by the Deputy Commissioner and his subordinate officers in matters related to elections:
- Preparation and updation of Electoral Rolls.
- Preparation of Electoral’s Photo identity cards.
- Conduct of Elections.
- Any other function assigned by the office of Election Commission of India & Chief Electoral Office Delhi in respect of elections.
- SPL Summary Revision 2020
South district has following Parliamentary constituencies.
- South Delhi
- South West Delhi
- South East Delhi
Assembly Constituencies
AC No. | AC Name | No. of Voters | Prominent area covered | Name of MLA | Phone No. |
43 | Malviya Nagar | 139910 | – | – | – |
45 | Mehrauli | 181625 | – | – | – |
46 | Chhatarpur | 187443 | – | – | – |
47 | Deoli | 206941 | – | – | – |
48 | Dr. Ambedkar Nagar | 141403 | – | – | – |
Preparation & updation of Electoral Rolls
The preparation of electoral rolls & their periodic revision is done by the Electoral Registration of the constituency. There is also one or more Assistant Electoral Registration Officer in each constituency. To update the electoral rolls, they are periodically revised.
Revision of Electoral Rolls & Inclusion of name etc.
Election Commission of India orders revision of electoral rolls by announcing.
- Special revision of a Summary nature of electoral rolls and
- Special revision of an intensive nature
The Prime objective of the above revision is to produce clean and accurate rolls complete in all respects. A second objective of the revision is to synchronise the Electoral Rolls with the Electors Photo Identity Card(EPIC) programme.
Requirement for registration as a voter
- The applicant should be an Indian citizen.
- He should be 18 yrs or above in age.
- He should be the ordinary resident of the area
Verification of age
- Age can be verified by
- Birth Certificate
- School or College certificate
- Passport
- Baptism certificate etc
Preparation of Electoral Rolls
Special revision of an intensive nature:
It is done by enumerators visiting house to house. His work is supervised by a supervisor. The enumerator mainly verifies the following claims
- Attaining the age of 18 yrs.
- Shifting cases.
- Death cases.
- Whether an EPIC has been issued to the elector earlier.
Special revision of Summary nature:
- A Designated officer is appointed at each polling station where the draft roll is published. He is responsible for the display of the draft electoral rolls, allowing inspection thereof by the persons/parties interested, supply (free of cost) of forms for making applications for inclusion of names(Form-6), forms for making objection to the inclusion of names(Form-7) and forms for correction of entries in the electoral roll (Form-8)
- Form No. 6,7,8 are also available in the VRECs office of ERO/AERO as well as of the concerned Assembly constituency.
- The completed forms are accepted and proper acknowledgment is given to the claimants.
- The Completed application are collected by each ERO through AEROs. There applications are disposed of promptly by the field staff under the supervisor of ERO/AEROs Suo moto action is also taken under Rule 21 A of the R.E. Rules, 1960 to delete the names of dead persons on the basis of the information submitted by the registrar of Birth & Death of M.C.D.
- The final roll is prepared after all claims and objections have been duly disposed off.
- Copies of the finally published roll are placed for inspection at all the locations where the draft roll had been made available for a limited period of one week. For greater accessibility of the final rolls to the public. In addition, copies of the roll are displayed at various other public locations like Libraries, Resident Welfare Associations officers etc.
- The main purpose of this display is to eliminate the genuine grievances of the electors at large about non-availability of final rolls at a nearby location for verification of entries and increase their level of involvement in cleaning the electoral roll.
Form No. 6, 7, 8 can be deposited at VRECs of the concerned Assembly Constituency throughout the year during office hour except when the election is notified till the time the result is announced.
EROs- statutory function of EROs.
AC No. | AC Name | ERO | AERO | Contact No. |
43 | Malviya Nagar | Mr.Vikas Ahlawat, SDM (Saket) | Mr. Premson | 011-26180870 |
45 | Mehrauli | Mr.Ravinder Kumar. SDM (Hauz Khas) | Mr. Kamaljeet Talwar | 011-26642800 |
46 | Chhattarpur | – | – | 011-26805726 |
47 | Deoli | Mr. Krishan Kumar, SDM (Def. Colony) | Ms. Lal Varmoi | 011-29562531 |
48 | Dr. Ambedkar Nagar | Ms. Richa, ADM (South) | Mr. Anil Verma | 011-29963914 |
Electors Photo Identity Card (EPIC)
- The Scheme of issue of Electors Photo Identity Cards(EPICs), started in the year 1994 in Delhi was discontinued w.e.f 1st July 1998 due to some unforeseen reasons. EPIC is a vital document to prove one’s identity.
- At present EPIC programme is being carried on in 11 (Eleven) Designated photography Locations in each Assembly Constituency. Phase I, in which only the residual voters were taken up is already over. Now, 2nd phase is in full swing in all the eleven Assembly constituencies.
- All the DPLs falling within this distt. are closely monitored, supervised and co-ordinated by SDMs/ADM and DC.
List of forms
- ECI-EPIC-001- For issue of Photo Identity card
- ECI-EPIC-002- Application for issue of duplicate card
- ECI-EPIC-004-For rectification of defects in Elector’s EPIC
- Current campaign is organized to cover the residual electors for photography and issue of EPIC on ‘On Line’ basis.
While visiting the DPL, the elector should bring the following documents to prove his her identity.
- A family member already having a EPIC
- Driving license
- Office identity card
- PAN Card of Income Tax Deptt.
- Bank pass having a photo
- Pass port etc.
- In case the elector has not received the letter of intimation and is not aware of his polling station No. and his serial Number, please don’t worry. Our search & Query Terminal is there to solve your problem.
- Also check the PARTICULARS on the EPIC to avoid any mistake etc.
- For duplicate EPIC, a fee of Rs.25/- is being charged against a proper receipt
- Conduct of Elections
- Elections for House of people
- Elections for Legislative Assembly of Delhi
For More Details Contact
- Joint CEO (South)- Ph No. 29535025
- SDM (Election) – Ph No. 29534740
- Concerned ERO/AERO